Labels:hakham | monitor | sky | web site OCR: Jewelbox Help The rrrles for Jewelbox are Ke simple Within rectangular area short coitmn 01 colored je we1s appear: at the top and fal1a toward the bottom The object of the game to et three Or more jewela of the zame color in MOI either horizontally vertically or diagonally When no do no pointa and the matching jewela wi11 disappear from the screen Any jewe1a above thoze invoived in the match fa11 to make new arrangementa If the new arrangement creates additional matches they aiso disappear and the cycle contintes until there are no more matches While the short coirm of jewela (called triplet) is falling yorr can move 1eft Or right and change the arrangementa of the jewela by pressing the following keys Move Kota Move Move Move Jewel Right Jeue Righi SPACE Drop Jewels Drop Jewels If yor. h ...